Denise Richards, a 39-year old actress and model who always looks well-toned and fabulous. She appeared in different movies like “Bond Girl”, “Starship Troopers”, plus graced the cover of Playboy Magazine once. She was able to maintain her figure even with two kids and is even considered a hot mama. After she gave birth to her second child, it was determination and discipline that helped her get back to that pre-pregnant physique. She isn’t just envied by a lot of women because of her beautiful face but with her great figure too. Want to know more about how Denise’s does this? Read more.
For the second phase, the introduction of carbohydrates is done that lasts for three weeks. This time, she is allowed to eat pasta, rice, bread, fruits and chocolate. The last phase is correct food alimentation which should be done always. This phase is important to maintain healthy eating habits and avoid any rebound effects. “I’m actually more relaxed about my diet since having my kids. I’ll never talk about weight around them. And they’ll never hear me say, ‘Mommy’s feeling fat today.’ That kind of attitude just makes young girls grow up to be dissatisfied with their bodies,” Denise says.
For Denise Richards’ exercise, she is guided by her personal trainer namely Garrett Warren four to six times per week. They do core-strengthening workouts which is a hybrid of Pilates, yoga plus core stability movements. This is called the Proper Body Exercise that involves a 90-minute workout that begins with kickboxing, followed by weights, then 15 minutes of ProBodX moves with ab exercises. Denise Richards’ exercise routine also includes resistance training, kickboxing, cardio exercises, boxing plus aerobics.
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