Christina Aguilera is a 29-year old R&B singer that has sold over 20 millions albums all over the world. She was likewise nominated a lot of times and has won a Grammy award, plus a “World Music Award”. She gained a lot after she gave birth to his son, Max but she was able to lose forty pounds of it. Today, she’s back to her pre-pregnancy jeans and follows her diet and exercise regimen to keep her fit. Know the facts behind the R&B star’s fit and sexy physique.
Christina Aguilera’s diet likewise contains a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables together with protein in the form of meat as well as dairy products. She’s likewise honest to admit that she’s addicted to junk foods, and French fries and Oreo cookies. Christina says, “I don’t like depriving myself, so I take one day, usually a Saturday or Sunday, to eat what I want, as long as I drink a lot of water. It is my cheat day. I like feeling healthy and working out. It is hard to stay in shape while traveling, so right now I am just trying the best I can. It is all about eating clean and working out.”
For Christina Aguilera’s exercise routine, she does boxing, dancing, cardio workouts plus weight lifting to stay fit and lean. She follows an exercise program made by her personal trainer. The said program involves 3 sessions a week for 50 minutes, preferably done every 2 days. The fitness program includes 6 minutes of warm up that involves sequence of easy movements to increase the cardiac rate and prepare the muscles. Next is the 36 minutes of dance wherein she’s having fun while burning the calories. Lastly, 8 minutes of cool down stretch that helps in decreasing the heart rate plus muscle stretching to improve her flexibility.
Additionally, during Christina Aguilera’s exercise routine, she straps weights on her ankle and wrists. She also does 90 minutes of exercise routine five times a week that includes 40 minutes on the treadmill or elliptical exercise equipment for cardiovascular exercises. Then 40 minutes of toning exercises through strength training doing biceps curls, push ups, chest presses and lunges; 3 sets of 8 plus 10 minutes of stretching.
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