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Dec 25, 2010

Exercises for a Bigger Butt

The butt contains a three-part muscle group consisting of the gluteus maximus, gluteus medius and gluteus minimus. In your quest to enlarge your posterior side, you need to target this muscle group with weight training exercises. You can use free weights, machines and body weight to achieve your goal.
Squats are performed with a barbell inside a squat rack. Step under the bar and place it across your shoulders behind your neck. After grabbing the bar with a wide grip, lift it off the support pins, step back a few steps and place your feet shoulder-width apart. Keeping your back straight and core tight, lower yourself down by bending your knees. Once your thighs parallel the floor, stand up and repeat for 10 to 12 reps.
Lunges can be done with a set of dumbbells. Hold the weights at your sides as you step forward with your right foot. Once your foot touches the floor, lower yourself down by bending your knees. When your right thigh parallels the floor and your left knee is an inch above the floor, come back up and step forward with your left leg. Continue to lunge in an alternating fashion until you've done 10 to 12 reps with each leg.
Stiff Leg Deadlifts
Stiff leg deadlifts are done with a barbell. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and hold the bar in front of your thighs with an overhand, shoulder-width grip. Slowly bend at the hips and lower the bar toward the floor. Once you feel a strong contraction in your butt, stand back up and repeat for 10 to 12 reps.
Ball Butt Raises
Ball butt raises are performed with an exercise ball. Lie on your back with your heels propped up on the ball and your arms at your sides. In a steady motion, press into the ball, lift your hips in the air and squeeze your glutes forcefully. Slowly lower and repeat for 10 to 12 reps. When doing these, maintain a slight bend in your knees.
Cable Kickbacks
Cable kickbacks are done on one side of a cable machine with an ankle cuff. Attach the cuff to a low setting and stand facing the weight stack. After fastening the cuff to your lower left leg (right above your ankle), lift your leg off the floor and push it straight behind you in an arcing motion as high as possible. Slowly lower it down and repeat. After you have done 10 to 12 reps, switch sides. When doing kickbacks, keep your working leg as straight as possible and do not let your foot touch the ground during the lowering portion.

Butt, Hip & Thigh Exercises

The butt, hips and thighs are three major areas involved with curves on the body. Even though the desire to emphasize these areas is often associated with women, man can benefit from exercises that concentrate on them as well. To strengthen and develop these areas, you can use free weights, fitness equipment and the weight of your body. The main muscles you will work in these areas are the glutes, quadriceps, hamstrings and abductors.
Squats work your glutes, quads, hips and hamstrings simultaneously and they can be done with dumbbells. Stand with your feet shoulder width apart while holding dumbbells at your sides. Slowly lower yourself down by bending your knees. Once your thighs parallel the floor, stand up and repeat for 10 to 12 repetitions.
Leg Press
Leg presses work your glutes, thighs and hips and they are performed on a leg press machine. Sit on the seat of the machine with your feet placed shoulder width apart on the platform. In a steady motion, push the platform up, flip the safety handles to the sides and lower it down toward your body. Once your knees form 90-degree angles, push back up and repeat 10 to 12 times. When raising the platform, do not fully lock your knees.
Stiff Leg Deadlifts
Stiff leg deadlifts work your hamstrings, glutes and lower back. They are performed with a barbell. Stand with your feet shoulder width apart and hold the barbell in front of your thighs with a shoulder width, overhand grip. Slowly bend forward at the hips as you lower the bar toward the ground. Once you feel a strong contraction in your hamstrings and butt, stand back up and repeat for 10 to 12 repetitions.
Lying Leg Curls
Lying leg curls isolate your hamstrings and they are done on a leg curl machine. Lie face down with your lower calves pressed against the padded lever arm and your hands grasping the handles down below the bench. In a controlled motion, raise the lever arm by bending your knees and contracting your hamstrings. When your heels are up by your butt, slowly lower and repeat 10 to 12 times.
Butt Bridges
Lying butt bridges work your glutes and hamstrings. Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor. In a steady motion, lift your hips up as high as possible and squeeze your glutes forcefully. Slowly lower and repeat 10 to 12 times. You can increase the intensity by extending one leg out straight and doing these on one foot.
Lying Abduction
Lying abduction works your hips and it is done with your body weight. Lie on your left side with your legs stacked on top of each other. In a steady motion, raise your right leg up at approximately a 45-degree angle. After holding for a second, slowly lower it down and repeat. Once you have done 10 to 12 reps, switch sides.

Exercise for a Small Butt

A large butt can have a negative impact on self-esteem when you are trying to fit into last year's swimwear. To tone your butt and regain your self confidence, do the right blend of exercises, but also pay attention to your diet. If you continually eat high amounts of unhealthy foods, you will pad the fat on your butt and defeat your efforts. As far as your exercise goes, burn calories and build muscle.
Step 1
Perform cardiovascular exercise to burn the fat in your butt. The American College of Sports Medicine recommends 60 to 90 minutes of cardio for weight loss. Aim for this guideline three days a week and do something that involves hip extension. This takes place when your thigh moves backward and it causes you to contract your glutes--your butt muscles. Running, fast-paced walking, elliptical training, stair climbing, rowing and spinning are examples.
Step 2
Hold a stability ball against a wall with your mid back to do wall squats. Place your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart and slightly forward. Lower yourself down by bending your knees and stop when your thighs are parallel to the floor. Stand back up and repeat. Keep your back straight and core tight throughout.
Step 3
Grab a toning bar to do single leg split squats. Hold the bar behind your neck and place your hands in a wide grip. Stand with your back to a bench, lift your right leg and place the top of your right foot on top of the bench. Step forward slightly with your left foot and lower yourself down by bending your left knee. Stop when your thigh parallels the floor, stand back up and repeat. Do a set of reps and switch sides.
Step 4
Perform tennis shuffles with an aerobic step. This exercise targets the butt, quads and hamstrings, according to "Fitness Magazine." Stand on the step with your feet hip-width apart and your arms out in front of you. Step to your left, place your foot on the ground slightly wider than shoulder-width away from your right foot and lower yourself into a squat. Stand back up, place your foot back on the step and repeat with your right side. Alternate back and forth.
Step 5
Execute a set of grand plié squat jumps. Stand with your feet in a wide stance, with your toes turned out at a 45-degree angle and your arms straight down in front of your body. Squat until your thighs are parallel to the floor and you're low enough to touch it with your fingertips, according to Women's Health. Jump in the air in an explosive fashion as you raise your arms straight above your head. Land with your feet in the starting position and repeat for a set of reps.
Step 6
Align your body in an all-fours position to do leg lifts. Place your hands directly under your shoulders on the floor and your knees directly under your hips. Extend your right leg behind your body and place your toes on the floor. Raise your leg in the air as high as possible and squeeze your glutes forcefully. Lower your leg, lightly touch the floor with your toes and repeat. Do a set of reps and switch sides.

Butt Toning Exercise Workout

The butt (glutes or gluteus maximus) muscles are important from two perspectives: health and vanity.

Health, because the butt muscles are primary muscles for most movements & will increase stamina in most everything you do, like climbing stairs, getting out of a chair, squatting to pick up a baby off the floor, or walking. Latest research is showing that your waist-hip ratio may be key in determining your risk of diabetes, heart risk and more.

Vanity and exercises below ..

Vanity, since these butt muscles (or glutes) give your body shape, and we are physiologically trained to use them as a way to evaluate how attractive someone is. Also, more muscle in your butt (or your body) will increase your metabolic rate, so you will burn more calories and fat naturally!

So, if you’re looking to get your behind in shape, here’s a list of exercises that would be very effective:

The Lunge: The lunge targets the glutes, quadriceps and calves. Lunge is a superb exercise for stimulating a solid slab of muscle growth throughout your lower limbs. Enhancing the body’s ability to jump, run and lift, the muscle gains are functional as well as aesthetic. In addition to stimulating muscle growth, the lunge develops balance and agility.

Hip raise or Bridge: Bridge is one of the versatile exercises that strengthens the gluteus, abdominal and lower back muscles. The bridge has numerous benefits including a toned backside, flat stomach and healthy back.

Stronger gluteals help maintain pelvic control. The bridge engages more muscle at the same time & activates the same muscles in ways different than you are used to (different planes of motion)

Single Arm Dumbbell Swing: As one dumbbell is swinging down, the other is swinging up and it falls to the deep muscles of the core and glutes to not only stabilize the spine and body but to also provide muscular force to help keep those dumbbells swinging.

Hip Extension
: The University of Wisconsin found Hip Extension, the most effective glutes exercises. According to lead researcher John Porcari, the quadruped hip extension activates the most muscles in the glutes and has the greatest potential for strengthening all the muscles in the backside. Add ankle weights to make the exercise more challenging and increase repetitions as you get stronger.

Gravity, connective tissue, age, and genetics all play into the shape of our butt and legs, but don’t let that be a roadblock, either. You can still tone these muscles and feel better and look better.  The American College of Sports Medicine recommends two weekly sessions of weight training for physical benefits.

Great Butt & Thigh Exercises

The butt contains the gluteus maximum, medias and minimus. The thighs contain the hamstrings, which are on the back, and the quadriceps, which are on the front. Great exercises for these muscles involve hip flexion, hip extension, hip abduction, knee flexion and knee extension. These movements cause your thighs to move forward, backward and out to the side, and your lower legs to move forward and backward. With some exercises, more than one of these motions are performed at the same time. These are called compound exercises, and they recruit a high amount of muscle fibers.
Switch Lunge
Switch lunges are plyometric compound exercises which are done in an explosive motion. They work the glutes, quads and hamstrings together. While standing with your feet in a split stance, lower yourself down until your knees are bent 90 degrees and jump in the air. Quickly change your foot position, land softly and lower yourself back down again. Continue jumping and switching your lead leg for a set of repetitions. To increase the resistance, hold dumbbells at your sides or clutch a medicine ball against your chest.
Step-ups work the glutes, quads and hamstrings, and they require a bench or exercise platform. After placing your hands on your hips, place your left foot on the bench, press down and lift your body in the air. Move your right leg forward, bend your knee and raise it up toward your chest. Once you've held this position for a full second, lower yourself back down, repeat for a set of reps and switch sides. To increase the resistance, hold dumbbells at your sides.
Single Leg Squats
Single leg squats require a towel and slippery floor surface. These involve hip abduction where your thigh moves outward. The glutes, quadriceps and hamstrings all get worked at the same time with this exercise. While standing on the towel with your left foot, place your right foot on the floor and your hands in front of your chest. Slowly slide the towel out to your side as you push your butt backwards. Once your knee is bent and thigh is about parallel to the floor, slide the towel back to the starting point and repeat. Finish a set of reps and switch sides.
Quadruped Leg Lifts
Quadruped leg lifts work the glutes and outer thighs from an all-fours position on the floor. After placing your hands directly under your shoulders and knees directly under your hips, extend your right leg straight behind your body with your toes lightly touching the floor. Steadily raise your leg in the air as high as possible, lower it back down and tuck your knee into your stomach. Now extend your leg out to your right side and raise it up as high as possible. Slowly tuck it back into your body and extend it backward. Continue this alternating pattern for a set of reps and switch sides. To increase the resistance, wear ankle weights.
Boots trappers are thigh exercises performed from a face-down position. After placing your hands shoulder-width apart on the floor and your feet hip-width apart behind you, raise your hips in the air so your body forms an inverted angle. Bend your knees and move them forward under your body until your shins are right above the floor. Your butt should be right on top of your heels at this point. Steadily push your butt back in the air as you straighten your legs and repeat.
Hip Bridge Heel Drag
The hip bridge heel drag works the glutes, quads, hamstrings and calves all at the same time and is performed on a stability ball. While lying face-up on the floor with your arms at your sides and hands flat on the floor, place the back of your lower legs on the ball and lift your hips in the air. After raising your right leg straight up, press into the ball with your left heel and roll it back toward your butt. Slowly extend your leg, repeat for a set of reps and switch sides.

Thigh Exercises

Toned thighs are great for your body. They help you look good in shorts, and provide functional strength to perform any of your daily activities.

The trick to getting nicely sculpted thighs and glutes is specifically targeting these muscle groups -the quadriceps (front of the thighs), hamstrings (back of the thighs), and gluten (butt).

Thigh muscles are the largest muscles in the body, the upper leg muscles, are made up of quadriceps (front of your thighs), hamstrings (back of your thighs), abductors (outer thighs), and adductors (inner thighs). Working these out helps you burn calories faster than working smaller vanity muscles like abdominal or arms.

Thigh Exercises
You can perform thigh toning exercises from the comfort of your own home without fancy gym equipment and still see results in as little as four to six weeks. It also helps reduce, even remove cellulite. Below are a few leg exercises that help you tone your thighs and help you develop functional strength and help.

Wall Squat: Wall Squatting is said to be an ancient Chinese temple exercise that has been secretly practiced for hundreds, if not thousands, of years. Even if you practice it now, you’ll see the benefits. See how to perform the wall squat.

Seated Butterfly: The seated butterfly exercises the inner thigh. Another exercise that belongs to the royal family of compound movements. Much like the squat, this is another movement that you can literally base an entire training program around and see amazing results. See how to perform seated butterfly exercise.

Lying Leg Curl: The lying leg curl is a highly popular and effective exercise that aims to tone and strengthen the hamstrings, the muscles that stretch from the back of the hip to the back of the knee. See how to perform the lying leg curl.

Calf Exercises- for Toned Calves

Most people want to look fit and toned. If you pick those body parts that are expose your fitness and tone the most- calves are one of them! Toned calves help you look good in anything that’s higher than ankle length. Great calves give great legs.

The fortunate part of toning your calves is that they’re small muscles, so they only need a couple of exercises to focus on them. Compound exercises like squats and lunges will also tone them. Besides these, running, stair climbing, cycling are also great for toning calves.

Here are exercises that can help you carve those calves! Make sure you focus the weight on the calves, control the movement and go through the full range of motion at the ankle to maximize the benefits from the exercise:

Standing Calf-Raise: The calf Raise is a really versatile exercise- can be done on stairs, in a park or in the gym, with or without equipment. If it’s too easy, add some weights and watch those calves tone up!

See how to perform standing calf raise exercise.

Seated Calf Raise: The seated calf raise is a variation of the standing calf raise. See how to perform seated calf raise exercise.

Strengthening legs and calf muscles transfer more power to walking, running, and jumping.

As always, after your workout, do your muscle stretches for maximal benefits, reduced pain and relaxation. So, after you perform calf exercises, make sure you stretch.

Indians need more exercise

We keep telling you how important it is to exercise and how Indians are genetically prone to obesity and diabetes. To combat this, the Indian govt lowered obesity guidelines, so more people fall into the ‘obese’ category. Check if you are obese, by Indian govt health standards? Trust us, most of you would be surprised!

To further confirm the genetic tendency of Indians towards lifestyle disorders like obesity and diabetes, recent physical activity guidelines state that Indians need more almost double te amount of exercise as our Western counterparts to reduce risk of diabetes, hypertension, heart disease and metabolic complications.

The American Diabetic Association prescribes 45 minutes of exercises, 3-4 times per week. Note, that’s for Americans. For Indians, the requirement is 1 hour of exercise, 7 days a week!

Keep in mind that its not just doing any kind of exercise, but the right kind of exercise, at the appropriate exertion level, that will help you improve your health and fitness. Get on a well structured fitness plan, and see great results on your health and fitness. If you need motivation, sign up for some personal training.

8 Running Tips: Uncommon & Effective

Relax your muscles: Keep your jaw loose, keep your shoulders down and occasionally shake out your hands and arms to stay relaxed. While running, your body goes under stress, so its natural for your jaw to tighten up, for your shoulders to scrunch up, and other such stress reactions.
So, consciously keep the stress out of your body, and see yourself improve running form, and run faster & efficiently.

Wear good & big running shoes: Buy running shoes that are slightly longer and wider than your feet. When you run, your feet expand, and they need the space. So, be nice to your feet, if you want to run well.

Keep it loose: Don’t clench your fists too tightly while running. Keep it like a cupped hand, as if you were holding an egg in each palm, that you don’t intend to crush. It will help keep your body relaxed, and improve performance.

No time, no problem: If 20 minutes is all you have, still run. 20 minutes of running is better than not running at all.

Run against the flow: Running against the flow of traffic keeps you in command. This is specially important in India, where there are plenty of hazards while running. See running tips & hazards in India.

Hydrate. Hydrate. Hydrate: Water is the lifeline of any process in your body. So, when it starts running low, it diverts water to only the important processes, and physical work (in this case, running) is not as important as digestion, blood flow, etc. So, less than optimum hydration will affect your performance, besides increasing the risk of muscle cramps. So, at all times be completely hydrated.

Only the right liquids: Hydrates with water. Alcohol is not your friend, when you’re trying to improve running performance. Beyond affecting fitness levels, alcohol has its share of side effects.

“Whether one shall run on his heels or his toes is hardly worth discussing. The main thing in distance running is endurance—and how to get it.”

Lace it up: Make sure your shoes laces are double knotted. While running long distances, laces often get un-tied, so make sure you double knot them. Further, the loose ends of your laces can be inserted in &  around your shoes, to avoid them ever coming in the way.

And last but not the least, relax when your body feels tired and sluggish


Swimming has long been regarded as a useful activity and has been variously applied—most prominently for recreational, occupational, and sport purposes.

Types of swimming These include:
  • Recreational swimming.
  • Occupational swimming.
  • Competitive swimming.

Recreational swimming: Recreational swimming has been considered a good way to relax while also enjoying a full-body workout. There are several swimming styles that are considered suitable for recreational swimming. These include freestyle, butterfly stroke, breaststroke, side stroke, front crawl and dog paddle. The front crawl is considered most suitable for recreational swimming that takes place indoors or in controlled environments.

Occupational swimming: Some occupations require that the practitioners swim, such as in pearl diving, spear fishing, etc. Other occupations that require swimming include those of lifeguards, to rescue swimmers in distress, in marine biology, to observe plants and animals in different natural aquatic habitats, military purposes, professional sport, etc.

Competitive swimming: Competitive swimming has been reported and documented across the ages, beginning in the Stone Age. It started in an organized form in Europe in the 1800s, and became part of the Olympic Games in 1896.

Benefits and uses of swimming
  • Swimming is used as a relaxation technique when combined with pleasant environment. It is believed to reduce the harmful effects of stress.
  • Swimming is a great form of exercise as it provides a complete workout for the body, while placing less stress on joints and bones. It is an aerobic form of exercise as it requires the constant consumption of oxygen.
  • It is used for rehabilitation after injuries or in treating those with disabilities.
  • Resistance swimming is done for training purposes, to hold the swimmer in place for stroke analysis or for swimming in a confined space for athletic or therapeutic purposes. This can be carried out against a stream of moving water or by binding the swimmer in place with elastic attachments.
  • It can also be used to define and enhance physique. This is because appropriate training will result in the development of good posture, a strong, spare physique and builds stamina.

The benefits of swimming can be summed up as including stress reduction, Cardiovascular fitness, weight control, good muscle tone and stamina, reduced cholesterol, and blood pressure control.
Risks of swimming Swimming has been considered arelatively safe form of exercise with a high health potential and lowrisk of injury. Despite this there are certain risks that include:
  • Drowning.
  • Inhalation of water.
  • Adverse effects of immersion, such as secondary drowning, salt water syndrome, exostosis, etc.
  • Exposure to chemicals such as chlorine and the resultant damages to the skin, hair, and eyes.
  • Infections, such as athlete’s foot, diarrhea, ear infections and conditions such as chronic bronchitis and asthma.
  • Overuse injury.
  • Injuries resulting from adverse water and weather conditions.
  • Injuries sustained from objects in the water.
  • Dangers from aquatic organisms such as jelly fish.
Enhancing the swimming experience One can derive the maximum benefits from swimming by following a few simple measures. These include:
  • Appropriate training.
  • Use of swimming safety aids during the preliminary stages.
  • Appropriate swimwear.
  • Protective gear for the eyes, ears and hair.
  • Use of rafts while swimming with children.

What Is The Best Exercise For Weight Loss?

Every workout to lose weight must be designed carefully. The best exercise for weight loss is something which you enjoy doing and are likely to continue doing, not just while losing weight but also as you maintain weight in the long term. Almost any exercise will help you lose weight if you are severely obese. Sustained exercises that work the whole body are the best exercises for weight loss. The best exercises for weight loss include walking, swimming, jogging, biking, or using an elliptical trainer because you have to use your whole body. However, you must use the right exercise to lose weight if you are just a little bit on the heavy side.
Correct timing should be applied to an exercise to lose weight. You also have to maintain a high heart rate for sustained periods of time. Your initial fitness goal should be to do 30 minutes of exercise each day. Thereafter, gradually increase this to about 60 minutes of exercise per day. The best combination of exercise is a mixture of aerobic and strength training. Aerobic and strength training exercises both assist weight loss but in different ways.
Walking is said to be one of the best exercises for weight loss. It burns around 55% of fat; however as with all exercises it really depends on the intensity of effort. Walking not only burns a good proportion of stored fat but can also burn a large amount of calories especially performed for longer durations and at a brisk pace. A good balance between the percentage of fat and the total calories burned should be the basis behind choosing any exercise for losing weight. Walking is a great start for people of any age wishing to lose weight fast.
Aerobic exercise or light Jogging
Aerobic exercises are very popular and the best exercises for many trying to lose weight. They can be very effective in burning a large amount of total energy in a single session. However if a person is overweight he has to do intense aerobic exercises for proper fat burning. For this individual breathing would become heavy and this will always result in carbohydrates becoming the predominant fuel, pushing the percentage of fat burning down around 30%. Initiate any new exercise program with gentle walking activities. After a few weeks try walking briskly until a little fitness is developed then aerobic exercise may be more effective. Light jogging will also help you to burn calories and lose weight.
Running for about 7 minute per mile will burn more than 10 calories per minute. Looking at most runners on the street many may deduce that this must be the best exercise for weight loss. Most runners seem so thin and lean but in fact running at this pace would not be the best idea to lose weight since we would probably be burning about 80% carbohydrates and only 20% fat. Burning a high percentage of carbohydrates may increase rather than regulate appetite. Trained runners muscles have adapted to this level of intense running over years of training since they utilize oxygen much better which accelerates their fat burning potential even at higher levels of physical exertion.
Light housework like dusting or washing up
Doing the activities like dusting or washing also burn little calories that is around 2-3 calories per minute. You may find it unusual to include these types of activities or exercises when trying to lose weight but they can be a great aid for speeding metabolism and burn calories. Performing more chores around the house regularly would increase activity therefore increase the energy expenditure for the day. Total calories burned would be much higher and result in a great amount of fat burned. Adding these kinds of activities to an exercise program can accelerate the metabolism. When you start to lose weight fast you'll never look at housework in the same light again.
Weight training or Sprinting
Weight training or sprinting is one of the most intense exercises we can perform for losing weight. The energy to fuel these activities comes almost exclusively from carbohydrates and the amount of total calories burned is very high, however they can only be performed for short periods due to muscle fatigue.. Aerobic exercises are performed continuously for the whole duration of a session therefore total calories burnt are usually much higher. But plenty of rest periods are needed between each bout resulting in less total calories burned over the course of a training session.
It has been suggested that intense training can elevate the metabolism long after the exercise has stopped, resulting in many extra calories being burnt while at rest. Including a little weight training in our exercise program may be a best exercise for weight loss but it should only be attempted after fitness has increased a little.

Eat veggies for weight loss

Low Glycemic Index: The carbohydrates in most vegetables are fibrous in nature and have a low glycemic index, so consuming them lowers the overall glycemic index of your meal/snack. As a result, this promotes less fat storage in you body.
So, add lots of vegetables to your diet, and enjoy their health benefits! Read more about the nutrition benefits of each vegetable.
Along with being among the healthiest sources of nutrition, vegetables are great for weight loss. Let’s show you how:
Calorie Density: Vegetables have low calorie density (partly due to their high water content), so you can consume more of them without worrying about the calories.
Nutrition: The balanced vitamins and minerals promote better utilization of energy resources in your body. For example, certain minerals promote energy consumption, as do some vitamins. Now, fat is basically stored energy in your body. The more of this energy source that you can use, the better it is for your weight loss.
High Fiber: Most vegetables are high in fiber. So, they fill you up faster. As a result, you land up eating less of them than you would, if they didn’t have fiber.

Avoid Travel Weight Gain

Travel can literally wreak havoc on your health and fitness levels, if you don’t take care. When we say fitness, we mean even your efforts to lose weight. The erratic sleep and eating patterns, lack of exercise and stress all make it worse.

So, to help you stick to your plan, here are some tips to avoid weight gain when you travel.

- Eat Before: Don’t leave from your place hungry, or you’ll be much more likely to make poor food choices (read: unhealthy) … partly because healthy choices are limited, and secondly because unhealthy choices look more appetizing. Your mom was right ‘Never leave home empty stomach’.

- Traveling dehydrates. Drinking plenty of water will also help fill you up and keep you from feeling fatigued. If you hit the bar when you travel, make a habit of making every other or every third drink order a water or sparkling water with citrus. This will both slow you down (on the liquid calorie intake) and keep you hydrated.

- Here the key is unsweetened beverage like water, fresh fruit juice, green tea, iced tea.

- Liquidate before a meal: Drink a fair amount of water or other unsweetened beverage before each meal, as well as during and between them. The liquid will help trick your mind into not feeling as hungry, which reduces the tendency to gorge on potentially fattening foods.

- Carry some ‘Easy-to Carry’ snack options like raw nuts (but keep the portions to about 1/4 cup) , an apple or other easy to carry snacks like that.

- Fill your plate with healthy options: Eat with an 80/20 rule in mind. Fill your plate with mostly (80%) vegetables, whole wheat crackers, fruit, protein, and nuts.  The remaining 20% can be indulgences.

- Cut calories wherever you can. Order a small salad before your main meal. Have your dressing on the side.

- Exercise whenever you can, wherever you can. Whatever you do, don’t completely skip it. Any exercise is good- Walk, jump rope, use water bottles as weights, or do push-ups, lunges or sit-ups. These are all exercises you can do anywhere.

Use these travel tips and you might even make progress on your fitness while you travel!

Dec 24, 2010

Burn more fat from the same exercise

Do you workout or exercise before breakfast? If you’re trying to lose fat, turns out you might be doing the right thing. Recent research says that to burn fat more effectively, you should skip the pre-workout snack. European researchers found that cyclists who trained without eating burned significantly higher amount of fat than their counterparts who ate.
Wonder how this works? If you haven’t eaten before exercising, your body doesn’t have much glycogen in reserve. Glycogen is stored in your body to use as fuel for physical activity. When you exercise, your body needs energy. But on empty stomach body and low glycogen reserves, you body turns to fat for providing that energy, which improves your fat burning ability. When you exercise (after fasting or without a pre-workout meal), adrenalin levels goes high and insulin levels goes low. That ratio is favorable for your muscles to oxidize (break down) more fatty acids.
So, maybe exercising before breakfast is just one more tactic for increasing the efficiency of your fat-burning workout.

Train your brain for weight loss

Most of us live in a world, where we are eating more food than we actually need for existence. Our portions are distorted and we are eating much more than we were previously. That’s why we are facing increasing problems of weight management, obesity and other lifestyle disorders, and thus an increasing need for weight management plans.

Can we train our brain to respond to the feeling of fullness by simple tricks? Is there a way our bodies be satisfied with less food? The answer is yes. Training the brain requires some effort & discipline to cultivate a habit of eating less, but there are tricks to slowly train your brain and your stomach to be satisfied eating less food. Let’s have a look how:

Buy smaller plates: Your mind is conditioned to expect a plate full of food. So buy smaller plates and fill them with food, and you’ll be reducing the calories you eat.

Go individual: Buy a one-person pack and not a family size one. If you buy the bigger ones, you’ll naturally eat more

Eat slowly: this gives your brain and stomach time to recognise when you are full. Chew each mouthful 20 times. Put your cutlery down while you chew and then pick it up again for the next bite.

Drink water before meals: 20 minutes or so before you eat, drink a pint of water, as cold as possible. This kick-starts your metabolism to put you straight into weight loss mode, and makes you feel full as your body will be absorbing the water.

Satisfying foods:  Higher the fibre content, protein, and water content of a food, the more likely it is to be satisfying in your stomach. Avoid processed food such as potato chips, candy bars, and white bread.

Consume foods with a ‘low glycemic index’: A high glycemic index food will cause a sudden change in blood sugar level. A ‘Low glycemic index’ food causes the blood sugar level to rise in a controlled fashion, providing a consistent source of energy for a long period. This method helps control food cravings, resulting in decreased appetite.

Eating small frequent meals: The idea of slower energy release remains the same. One large meal quickly rises the energy level, which is trailed by a steeper drop soon enough, resulting in feeling more hungery. This can result in ‘eating between the meals’. However, small meals on contrary will result in a slow release of energy and a controlled one as well. Resulting in reducing ‘eating between meals’, and cravings for food.

Apply these simple tricks to slowly condition your brain. Once you have the capacity to control your mind there is nothing on this earth you can’t achieve.

Yoga for Beginners

Ever thought of starting yoga, but known where to start? At the beginners’ level, performing yoga should be focused on learning how to do basic poses correctly. One of the best advantages of Yoga is that it can be practiced almost anywhere, without special equipment, and by people of all ages.

Yoga is different from regular exercises, as it doesn’t involve fasr movements, but instead slow, steady & focused movements. Basic yoga helps achieve relaxation which reduces stress.

Basic requirements to start yoga are a Yoga Mat, loose or stretch clothing, such as shorts, sweat clothes, etc. Yoga is traditionally practiced barefoot; however, socks or soft-shoes can work.

Food restrictions: Stomach should be empty while practicing, that is you should consume solid food 3.5 hours before practicing and liquid 1 hour before.

As little as 15 minutes of exercises and 15 minutes of Breathing and Meditation each day can yield benefit. Follow a basic order for your sessions:

Breathing Exercises: This helps to condition your body for safe transition into asana practice.  A warm-up exercise relaxes the muscles of your body.

Standing Poses: Standing poses like Mountain Yoga (Tad asana) and Half Moon Pose (Ardha Chandrasana) facilitates digestion & blood circulation.

Sitting poses:  Like Auspicious Pose or Sukhasana, Child pose (Balasana), Staff Pose (Dandasana) greatly contribute in shaping your buttocks and legs, and in adding vitality and suppleness to the spine.

Twists - Twist exercises like triangle pose (tikonasana), Angle Pose (Parivrtta Parsvakonasana) and Fishes Pose (Matsyendrasana) releases the tension in your spines, facilitates the circulation of blood in the body & internal health.

Supine Poses (Lying on back) Supine poses like Corpse Pose (Shavasana), .Supine Poses releases tension in your abdomen.

Prone Poses (lying on the stomach):  Prone yoga poses increase the mobility of your spine. Prones poses like Crocodile Pose (Makarasana), Cobra Pose (Nagasana) are best to strengthen your back muscles.

Inverted and Balance Poses: The inverted Crescent Moon Pose, The Hands to Feet Pose or Pada Hastasana and balance poses like Tree Pose (Vrksasana) defies gravity and develops coordination, increase stamina and strength, and improves grace, agility and poise.

Breathing Poses: Always end your yoga practice with Corpse Pose (Shavasana) resting and consciously relaxing your body for 5-15 minutes.

These movements are very useful to beginners, who want to start doing yoga. Try to concentrate on each movement which is as important as attaining a given position. See the complete list of yoga poses.

13 Tips to Actually Enjoy Exercising

Is staying in shape always something that gets bumped to the bottom of your list? I know many people that complain about not having enough time to exercise. I think they are lying to themselves. The real problem is that they hate exercising, so it will never be a priority.
I used to hate exercising too. Going to the gym, running and most forms of physical activity seemed dull and painful compared to most other ways I could spend my time. But by not giving up and looking for a way I could enjoy working out, I reversed this pattern. Now I exercise 5-6 times per week and I hate not being able to go.
Here’s some tips to make exercise something you actually want to do:
  1. Make it a Habit – Remove the thinking element. If you can make exercise a habit, then it becomes that much easier to go. Here’s some tips on making habits stick if you aren’t sure where to start.
  2. Get a Partner – Get someone else to go to the gym with you. Pick someone who is committed to their health. Not only can you socialize with someone while you’re there, but you’ll have a backup in case your motivation alone isn’t enough to drag yourself out there.
  3. Tune Your Challenge Level – Here are two bad ways to start exercising. Go out and run until your winded and dry-heaving into a ditch. Show up to the gym, walk around, don’t do anything strenuous and go back home. In one case you put the challenge level to high, the other wasn’t challenging at all. Your goal is to set a workout routine that is challenging, but not overwhelming. Challenge is key to enjoyment.
  4. Set Goals – Not weight-loss or muscle gain goals, but fitness goals. Set goals to beat your past records in distance ran, push-ups or chin-ups you can do, weight you can lift or degree you can stretch. Fitness goals make the gym a game where you strive to beat your previous high-score.
  5. Get Past Your Comfort Zone – So what if you aren’t the most svelte or muscular person in the gym? Self-consciousness can be a big obstacle to enjoying your workout. The key is to get used to it. When you continue to show up, you’ll pay less attention to the people around you and more to your workout.
  6. Experiment – Don’t stick with the same routine. Mix it up and try different activities. There are many different exercise routines you can follow or activities to try. If you don’t like lifting weights or running, try sports, martial arts or dancing. Assuming that exercise needs to be pumping iron or jogging may limit you from finding something you would truly enjoy.
  7. Music – This shouldn’t come as a surprise, but music can enhance a workout. I find running almost twice as enjoyable with music than without it.
  8. Short Workouts – Don’t have time or enthusiasm to last an hour? Just go for twenty or thirty minutes. Shorter workouts can be better than longer ones if the intensity is higher and you become more focused as a result. After an hour or two of exercise your body starts to go into a state where more exercise can actually reduce physical improvements.
  9. Daily Challenges – Make your workout into a game. Sticking with the same type of exercises can get boring, so mix it up by introducing an unusual workout challenge. My gym partner and I have played a game that involves sit-ups and a deck of cards or one workout day that involves different types of push-ups. If you aren’t sure where to get ideas, look through a magazine like Men Fitness which usually features a variety of different workouts.
  10. Reward Showing Up, Not Weight Loss - Some people have gotten the idea that they should reward themselves for losing weight or gaining muscle. I disagree. Instead, I think you should reward showing up to the gym and exercising regularly. There are many ways you can lose or gain weight in unhealthy fashions. Rewarding exercise is rewarding your commitment to health.
  11. Make Exercise Your Stress Relief - I know many people that swear by using the gym to relieve stress. Some of them will head to the gym because of a frustrating day even if it isn’t on their schedule. Exercising can be cathartic and release negative feelings if you get used to using it that way. Then instead of avoiding the gym because of a stressful day, it will be your reason to go.
  12. Record Improvements – Again I recommend recording fitness over body improvements. Recording weight loss or muscle gain is a good idea, but because of the way your metabolism functions it becomes increasingly harder to make weight changes as you go to the gym more regularly. But fitness improvements can, if you work on it, continue to rise. Keep a record of your strength, endurance and flexibility so you can get pride in your accomplishments.
  13. Make Time – You can’t say you don’t have time to exercise. Exercise improves your energy levels and mood which makes you more productive than any time lost. Find your forty minutes somewhere in the day and make it a commitment. Get up a bit earlier and go in the morning. Or schedule it right after work before you settle down for the day. Once you make time and make it a habit, you’ll actually want to exercise instead of just feeling you should.

No Time - an Active Nighttime Lifestyle

Busy Woman No time
Active lifestyle implies inclusion of simple activities in your daily routine that can contribute towards your wellness. For instance, climbing the stairs instead of using the smooth running elevators, walking down the nearby lane instead of driving the hot wheels are few examples of active living. Remember, simple activities build up to offer you a wealth of good health in the long run. The best part over here is that people, who inculcate such simple changes in their lifestyle, do realize that they want a little more. They manage to find time for brisk walking, meditation and other health beneficial activities.

Today, most of us grumble about not being able to devote adequate time for workout. Considering the fast paced lifestyle associated with modern living, lack of time is pretty much an understandable excuse. While our day time is packed with busy schedules, appointments and other chaotic work, we somehow manage to find space for social activities and other fun-filled tasks to make the most of the time. However, not many people out there know much about leading an active nightlife. Below are a few pointers that can help you enjoy an active nighttime lifestyle.

Let me first ask you a pointblank question over here, "Do you feed your body with all kinds of junk food during the night?" Most people out there eat a lot during the night. Trust me; eating during the night is the worst timing to feed your body with junk. Make it a practice to curb the intake of food and drink during the night. You need to continue doing so until it becomes a habit. That being said, one can consider having fresh fruits during the night, if you are unable to control your carvings for food. Remember, "We are what we eat". The idea is to make sure that we don’t fall prey to ailments due to unhealthy eating habits, which is so common amongst people who lead an active nightlife. Goes without saying, without good health you can’t dream about enjoying a good life.

Stretching during the night is also found to be beneficial for our body. Stretching will allow your muscles to relax after the wear and tear it has undergone for most part of the day. Stretching will hardly take 5 to 10 minutes of your time. If you have eaten a lot during the night, then why not burn those unwanted calories by completing some of the pending work? It’s a good way to challenge oneself and keep the boredom associated with nightlife at bay. You can treat yourself with a healthy beverage once you get the work done.

Reading is another enjoyable activity that you can consider including in your active nighttime lifestyle. Reading is ten times better than watching television because it not only engages our mind, but also ensures that we don’t overfeed ourselves, which we usually do while watching television. It’s a proven fact that reading burns more calories than television watching.

As mentioned earlier, active lifestyle is all about simple living. How about spending some time staring at the majestic stars that have enveloped the sky? You can have a nice time hunting constellations during the night time, especially in company of your kids.

More than often, we tend to forget that life doesn’t come to a standstill just because the sun has gone down. Because we go to sleep doesn’t mean the whole world has decided to sleep. There are truckloads of animals out there that lead an active nightlife. So, why not plan an adventure camp so that you enjoy the time after sundown. It’s exciting to be outside during the night, especially when you have planned a camp activity.

Maintaining the Motivation

  • Find a role model: I have a few friends who pin up their role models on their walls. Many women get motivated to diet and work out by taping up pictures of models or actresses. This is actually a great way to remind yourself what your goals are and keep a visual of them fresh in your mind. Just be sure to pick an appropriate role model and not someone with unhealthy eating and exercise habits or an unachievable image.
  • Set small goals: A sure shot way to loose your motivation to exercise very quickly is to start out with a killing workout. If you set yourself tough goals in the beginning, you probably won’t achieve them and will then become discouraged. The key is to set smaller and easier and work your way up. Start with “I will work out three days this week”. Start with easier exercises. Once you start enjoying your workout and get yourself into a routine, it will be easier to get yourself to work out harder and do more during each successive session.
  • Reward yourself: Setting goals is a good way to keep going with a workout program. If you have trouble keeping yourself going, reward yourself when you reach a goal. Don’t go with big rewards, just small rewards for reaching small goals. For example, you can go to that movie if you work out three times this week. Or, you can go for a walk in your favorite garden. Reward can be any activity that makes you feel good, you need not spend money to reward yourself.
  • Get a buddy: A partner will keep your motivation to exercise on a higher level. Your workout becomes more interesting if you have some one to give you company. The element of 'work' gets diluted, the activity becomes more entertaining. This makes it more likely that next time you will not put off going for the work out. Having a buddy also makes it harder for you to skip your workout because you’ll be letting someone else down and they’ll be there to talk you into going even if you don’t feel like it.
  • Make it fun: Find an exercise that keeps you interested. Exercise doesn’t have to be boring or repetitive. If you don’t like your exercise routine, change it. Keep looking until you find something you enjoy doing. This way, you’ll find your self looking forward to exercise instead of dreading it.
  • Mix it up: Monotony kills the enthusiasm. Even the most exciting workout can get boring if you do it over and over every day. Find several exercises you like to do and alternate. Try jogging Mondays, dance class on Wednesdays, and swimming on Saturday. Any time you find yourself getting bored with a workout, replace it in your rotation for a while and start it again in a few months.

Exercise motivation tips

Not everyone is born and blessed with the motivation to workout. If you're one of those people who would rather be doing anything but running on the track, or be anywhere but lifting weights in the gym, check out these tips for a little added motivation, a change in your exercise mentality, or just a new idea to jump-start your workout.
* Mix it up
If you get tired of the same old thing day in and day out, give yourself some change. No one said you had to walk the same route each morning, or bike day in and day out. Keep things varied and don't get stuck in a routine. You'll find you'll look forward to different scenery and changes in activity. By working different muscle groups, your body will be happier too.

* Make exercise a social thing
Grab some friends with the same exercise interests. Having people to work out with is a sure bet for motivation. You'll keep each other going and will be less likely to quit early. It's nice to have others to talk with and cheer on.
* Bring the kids, bring your pet
If walking or jogging's your thing, bring along the dog or strap your kid into a jogging stroller. If they count on you for their daily dosage of fresh air, you'll have an added reason to get out there.
* Be realistic
Set goals you know you can follow through with. Choose activities you know you can do and do well. If you find yourself constantly frustrated with your workout, chances are it's time to rework your strategy and find a better fit.
* Find workouts that aren't "workouts"
Being active still counts, even if it's not a proper workout. Walk to the store. Choose stairs over elevators. Walk during your lunch hour. Designate an "active" day where you don't have to go to the gym, but make a conscious effort to exert some energy. You will feel good for being active, and will have given yourself a break from your normal regime.
* Write it down
Keeping a log to show improvement will help you see how well you're doing and can help you set new goals. If you feel like you've been doing the same thing for ages, set a new challenge and track your progress. Having some workout "homework" could help you become more diligent.
* Reward! Reward! Reward!
If you find exercise is torture, give yourself something for getting through it. Whether you exercise for 4 days in a row, or jog an extra mile--if you're happy with your performance, give yourself a prize! This could be a day off from the gym, a new pair of jeans...make yourself happy because you deserve it!
* Sports count too
If you hate the thought of going out to "exercise," find something you do like. Start a volleyball league at work. Learn to play tennis. You'll have fun and, guess what? You'll be exercising!
* Look good!
If you feel good in your workout clothes, chances are you'll want to show 'em off! Buy yourself some outfits that make you feel good--things you WANT to put on. No one said you had to workout in grimy t-shirts.
* Distract yourself
Pull up a stationary bike in front of the TV. Listen to your favorite tunes on your headphones. Enjoy books on tape. Having other things to concentrate on can make a big difference in helping time go by.
* If at first you don't succeed.....
There's no limit to the number of chances you get to start exercising again. If you give up or skip week after week, try again--once you finish that daily workout, you'll be glad you did.

Dec 18, 2010

Find Your Own Weight Loss Exercise Routine

You will need a weight loss exercise routine if you want to lose weight in the smartest and healthiest way. Diet alone can help you lose weight, but the eating plan will have to be so restrictive and limited that many people end up giving up and gaining back any weight that they may have lost. When exercise is included, the weight loss is helped and the diet can be much more realistic.
Your weight loss exercise should include a cardiovascular exercise such as walking, running, or swimming to get your heart rate up to the proper rate for aerobic activity. This heart rate will have to be sustained for twenty minutes to get the best benefit from your exercise plan. Start off slow to get your body accustomed to the workout if you have not exercised in a while. Make sure that you warm up first and always cool down to avoid injury.

Weight Training can also be a part of your weight loss exercise routine. When you engage your muscles, the increase to your metabolism will go on long after you have finished your exercise. Increasing your muscle mass will also increase the amount of calories that you burn. There are many benefits to using weight training in your routine including toning your body and sculpting some fabulous muscles on your body. Take your time and build up slowly to avoid injuring yourself while working out.

Vary your weight loss exercise routine from time to time. You will avoid boredom and there are some great benefits to your muscles when you use them in a different way. Over time, your muscles can become accustomed to your workout and you will no longer get the same benefit from the routine.
Choose exercises that you will enjoy doing every day to make sure that you have some consistency in your routine. You are much more likely to go back to an exercise that you enjoy doing than one that you dread every day. There are many activities that you can include in your weight loss exercise routine that are not your typical exercise such as dancing or even incorporating your housecleaning into your exercise routine.
Your weight loss exercise routine should also include a well balanced diet. The exercise will help you to stick with your diet as well. Many times your exercise routine can help you to stick with a diet as well. Once you begin to see some results from your efforts, you will be encouraged to keep on going and making more improvements to your healthier lifestyle.
Over time, you will have a well balanced diet in place with a weight loss exercise plan that keeps your body in good condition and health. It is the only way to a healthy body and the results that you want. Begin with an exercise routine instead of a diet this time and see what kind of results you can get. You’ve tried every diet on the market, right? Now it’s time to try a whole new approach to weight loss.

Recipe For The Cabbage Soup Diet Revealed

Are you looking for the recipe for the cabbage soup diet?  The program is designed to let you lose 10 pounds in 7 days while not experiencing any hunger.  That’s because you can eat as much of the low calorie soup along with the other prescribed foods each day.  The recipe for the cabbage soup diet is as follows:
·    6 large green onions
·    2 green peppers
·    1 or 2 cans of tomatoes (diced or whole)
·    3 Carrots
·    1 Container (10 oz. or so) Mushrooms
·    1 bunch of celery
·    half a head of cabbage
·    1 package Lipton soup mix
·    1 or 2 cubes of bouillon (optional)
·    1 48oz can V8 juice (optional)
·    If V8 juice is not used, put in 12 cups of water
If you’re ambitious, you will sauté the green onions first.  Otherwise, you put everything in a big pot and boil it for a couple of hours.  The Lipton soup and bouillon should have all the salt you need to season it.
Refrigerate it and you’ll have all the soup you need for at least the first few days on the diet.
The soup is a little bland.  You can doctor up the cabbage soup diet recipe with salt, pepper, parsley, curry, garlic powder, or other calorie-free spices.
In addition to the soup, the diet allows you certain foods on specific days:
Day 1: All the fruit you want except bananas.
Day 2: All the vegetables you want plus one big baked potato with butter.
Day 3: All the fruit and vegetables you want except bananas and potatoes.
Day 4: Bananas and skim milk plus the soup only.
Day 5: 16 oz. of beef and up to 6 tomatoes.
Day 6: 2 to 3 steaks and all the vegetables you want.  No baked potato though.
Day 7: Brown rice, unsweetened fruit juices and vegetables
Make sure that you eat at least one serving of soup each day.  Don’t be afraid to stuff yourself with the foods allowed on a particular day.
The reason this diet works is that you can’t eat enough of the foods to maintain your weight.  The soup has hardly any calories at all.  And, even if you ate 8 bananas and 8 cups of skim milk in a day, you’re probably still coming in under 1000 calories.
The recipe for the Cabbage Soup Diet is simple.  You will probably make 2 to 3 pots of it during the 7 days and reheat a single serving in the microwave.  The supplemental foods are also easy to prepare.
It is recommended that you wait at least a week after finishing a Cabbage Soup Diet cycle before starting again, even if you have a lot of weight to lose.  During the interim period, eat normally, but do not over eat.
And, that’s the recipe for the Cabbage Soup diet.

Easiest Way to Lose Weight

When it comes to losing weight, there is no magical answer. Despite all the products available that promise quick and safe weight loss, the truth is that the only way to lose weight is to exercise more and to watch what you eat. There are, however, some shortcuts for those who do not have the time or the commitment to go into an organized weight loss program.
The first step to lose weight is to cut all unnecessary calories from your diet. Experts estimate that people consume an average of 15 percent of their daily calories in the form of soft drinks, gourmet coffee drinks, and alcoholic beverages. Just by reducing or eliminating these products from your diet, you can lose weight quickly and easily.
Another thing you can do to lose weight is to move more. If joining a gym is out of the question, try to find ways to incorporate exercise into your daily routine: walk rather than taking the bus, ride a bike with the kids, or walk Fido an extra mile. Even cleaning the house can help you lose weight if you do it with a passion.
An easy trick to lose weight without feeling deprived is to divide your daily calories into several small meals. This keeps your blood sugar stabilized, which in turn controls appetite. Balancing meals with a 40-30-30 proportion of vegetables, grains, and proteins also helps, as the body will get the proper fuel it needs to work for a longer period of time. Skipping meals, especially breakfast, does not help to lose weight. In fact, people who skip meals tend to overeat later in the day.

While water itself is not a fat burner, drinking water can help you lose weight in two different ways. First, thirst is often confused with hunger, and hydrating your body can often make you feel satiated. Second, water regulates many functions in the body, helps with digestion, and fills up your stomach, so you are less likely to overeat.
Finally, the most important thing you can do to lose weight is not to use food as therapy. If you are feeling bored, sad, or anxious, find an activity that will take your mind off your problems, but do not use food as comfort. Be mindful of what you eat and when and the weight will start coming off by itself.

Different Meal Plans for Weight Loss

There are many different meal plans for weight loss. Most of the plans fall into at least one of three categories: calorie restricted, food restricted, and food required. Using a meal plan can make it easier to lose pounds by taking much of the guesswork out of deciding what to eat. Each category of meal plan has both advantages and disadvantages.
Calorie restricted meal plans limit how many calories can be eaten daily. They use a formula to determine the maximum number of calories a dieter can eat per day and still lose weight. The most basic type of this meal plan causes weight loss by cutting a small amount of calories every day through ingredient or food substitution.
Common approaches in calorie restricted meal plans include drinking water instead of sugared drinks and eliminating high-calorie salad dressing. Since a pound is 3,500 calories, a dieter who managed to eat 50 fewer calories per day would lose around five pounds a year. If the dieter ate 100 calories fewer, he or she would double the weight loss.
Food restricted meal plans for weight loss limit the types and amounts of foods that can be eaten. Some plans entirely forbid certain classes of foods, such as all foods made with sugar. This approach may be best for dieters who find they cannot control their consumption of these foods. Others permit forbidden foods to be eaten once a week or after the dieter has gone through a transition period of eating only approved foods.
Food required meal plans for weight loss often force the dieter to eat certain foods every day. Many such plans are based on the premise that certain foods can cause weight loss. For example, one plan requires a certain amount of grapefruit pulp or juice before each meal. The grapefruit is believed to stabilize insulin levels, which affects fat storage and retention.
This type of meal plan generally works best when the user is given a variety of required foods to consume. This helps prevent boredom. Many food required plans have the dieter eat large amounts of protein or fresh produce, which can be very expensive.
The sheer number of meal plans for weight loss can make choosing one difficult. Many people also find it difficult to adhere to a single eating style over the long term. Adherence is also extremely difficult if the plan is expensive, highly restrictive, monotonous, or very low calorie. The ideal meal plan for weight loss will depend on the preferences and needs of the person using the plan.

How Do I Choose the Best Herbal Weight Loss Pills?

Herbal weight loss pills are a commonly used supplement designed to help people lose weight. Herbal weight loss pills often are preferred to traditional weight loss pills because of the natural ingredients within them. When you are trying to choose the proper diet pills, there are a number of things to take into consideration. You should spend some time reading the ingredients list, reading online reviews, asking for recommendations and consulting a nutritionist.
One of the first things that you should do is check out the ingredients label of the products that you are considering. All of the herbal weight loss pills on the market typically will provide a detailed list of the ingredients of which they are composed. Many people are sensitive to the ingredients within this type of pill. You might find shellfish, soy, wheat or a number of other ingredients in them. Make sure that the ingredients are suitable for your unique needs.
You also should spend some time looking at online reviews about the herbal weight loss pills. There are many websites that are specifically designed to allow consumers to report their experiences with products. With most herbal weight loss pills, you will be able to find many reviews about them online. You cannot believe every review that is published, but you usually will start to see a general consensus among many of the users.
Asking for recommendations is another good technique for finding the best herbal weight loss products. If you are shopping at a supplement store, the employees of the store typically will have a good idea of what works and what does not. Be sure to get recommendations from more than one source before making a decision. If one particular product keeps coming up, there is a good chance that it could work for you.
Another step that you may want to take is consulting a nutritionist. Nutritionists specialize in knowing exactly what to put in the body and what to avoid. They usually will be knowledgeable about a variety of supplements and weight loss products. Ask them about the herbal weight loss pills that you already have researched.
Many times, a nutritionist will be able to provide you with information that is not widely publicized regarding a particular product. They also will be able to give you an educated viewpoint that is not available from the traditional sources. Nutritionists spend a great deal of time studying these products, and they can be an invaluable resource when it comes to selecting a supplement.

Where Can I Get the Motivation to Lose Weight?

When struggling to lose weight, many dieters have a hard time staying motivated to reach their ultimate goal. Although the motivation to lose weight can come from many sources, many weight loss experts and dieters that have reached their goal weight will attest to the fact that their motivation to lose weight was internal. Once you figure out how to find the motivation to lose weight, your weight loss goals become much more attainable.
Although the motivation to lose weight can be described as internal, it can still be influenced by outside sources. Many people choose to lose weight for a big event such as a wedding or class reunion. However, unless this big event coincides with an internal will to live a healthier lifestyle, the weight loss will most likely not be permanent.
For the kind of weight loss that will last, the first step to find the motivation to lose weight is to make a commitment to yourself. It is important that you remind yourself of this commitment everyday so write it in a journal, have it pop up on you rcomputer screen, hang it on the fridge or hang it anyplace that you look at on a daily basis. Your commitment should be for a healthier lifestyle, with weight loss just a bonus. If you concentrate on the numbers, you can very easily sabotage or defeat yourself when you don’t lose as much as you want in a certain time frame.
In addition to committing to yourself, many people find the motivation to lose weight by also committing to a weight-losssupport group and/or a weight-loss buddy. This approach can also be done through numerous websites online. Some people also stay motivated by committing to a gym or exercise program. Even more find it helpful if they pay money for some of these things because they keep their motivation to lose weight because they don’t want to waist the money they have spent on outside help.