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Dec 24, 2010

Yoga for Beginners

Ever thought of starting yoga, but known where to start? At the beginners’ level, performing yoga should be focused on learning how to do basic poses correctly. One of the best advantages of Yoga is that it can be practiced almost anywhere, without special equipment, and by people of all ages.

Yoga is different from regular exercises, as it doesn’t involve fasr movements, but instead slow, steady & focused movements. Basic yoga helps achieve relaxation which reduces stress.

Basic requirements to start yoga are a Yoga Mat, loose or stretch clothing, such as shorts, sweat clothes, etc. Yoga is traditionally practiced barefoot; however, socks or soft-shoes can work.

Food restrictions: Stomach should be empty while practicing, that is you should consume solid food 3.5 hours before practicing and liquid 1 hour before.

As little as 15 minutes of exercises and 15 minutes of Breathing and Meditation each day can yield benefit. Follow a basic order for your sessions:

Breathing Exercises: This helps to condition your body for safe transition into asana practice.  A warm-up exercise relaxes the muscles of your body.

Standing Poses: Standing poses like Mountain Yoga (Tad asana) and Half Moon Pose (Ardha Chandrasana) facilitates digestion & blood circulation.

Sitting poses:  Like Auspicious Pose or Sukhasana, Child pose (Balasana), Staff Pose (Dandasana) greatly contribute in shaping your buttocks and legs, and in adding vitality and suppleness to the spine.

Twists - Twist exercises like triangle pose (tikonasana), Angle Pose (Parivrtta Parsvakonasana) and Fishes Pose (Matsyendrasana) releases the tension in your spines, facilitates the circulation of blood in the body & internal health.

Supine Poses (Lying on back) Supine poses like Corpse Pose (Shavasana), .Supine Poses releases tension in your abdomen.

Prone Poses (lying on the stomach):  Prone yoga poses increase the mobility of your spine. Prones poses like Crocodile Pose (Makarasana), Cobra Pose (Nagasana) are best to strengthen your back muscles.

Inverted and Balance Poses: The inverted Crescent Moon Pose, The Hands to Feet Pose or Pada Hastasana and balance poses like Tree Pose (Vrksasana) defies gravity and develops coordination, increase stamina and strength, and improves grace, agility and poise.

Breathing Poses: Always end your yoga practice with Corpse Pose (Shavasana) resting and consciously relaxing your body for 5-15 minutes.

These movements are very useful to beginners, who want to start doing yoga. Try to concentrate on each movement which is as important as attaining a given position. See the complete list of yoga poses.

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