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Jul 12, 2011

5 Tools To Maximize Arm Toning Exercises

When your goal is to tone muscles, specifically arm muscles, strength training exercises are your best bet! Strength, or resistance training is effective for improving strength and endurance while toning your muscles for a streamlined look.
Michelle+Obama+gunshow_Arm+Toning+Exercises[Which tool does Mrs. Obama use to keep her "guns" looking irresistible?!?]
When it comes to strength training though, you don’t have to rely solely on bodyweight exercises like pull ups or push  ups. We have a few must-have tools you can use to maximize your arm toning exercises any day of the week!

Arm Toning Tool #1 – STRETCH

If you don’t think stretching is a vital tool to your arm toning exercises, just try and finish your arm workout without stretching! Stretching will prepare your arm, chest, and back muscles for the movements required to complete each arm exercise on your list. Stretching before your workout is necessary if you’d like to stay injury-free and gain more flexibility in your arm and chest area.
Trying to perform arm toning exercises without stretching will lead muscle cramps and a limited range of motion. The only way to make sure your arms are getting the right workout for the results you desire is to dedicate 5 minutes to stretching before and after your arm toning exercises.

Arm Toning Tool #2 – DUMBBELLS

No arm toning workout is complete without at least a set or two of arm exercises using dumbbells. Dumbbell are free weights used to tone triceps, biceps, and other important arm muscles. Dumbbells are perfect for arm toning exercises because they are so tiny you take them just about anywhere. With dumbbells you no longer have to skip arm exercises because the gym is packed or closed.
Arm toning exercises with dumbbells allow each person to decide how much weight to use, and when its time to add more weights. Using dumbbells to tone arm muscles is easy; all you have to do is choose a few (no more than 3) arm exercises and do a few sets of 10-12 repetitions. When you feel as though the weight on your dumbbells is too low, simply get larger dumbbells or add more weight.
At a loss for dumbbells arm toning exercises? Consider these exercises for triceps!

Arm Toning Tool #3 – RESISTANCE BANDS

Resistance bands are the perfect tool for you ladies out there terrified of using weights to tone your arms. Resistance bands are cheap and you can toss it in your briefcase (do people still use briefcases?) and get your arms toned when you have a few minutes free. What’s even better about using resistance bands for arm toning exercises is that they come with more or less tension, so you can have a more challenging arm workout when you want it and a less challenging one when you don’t.
resistance+bands_arm+Toning+exercises[Resistance bands come in different colors for more or less tension and longer and shorter to fit your exercise goals.]
Resistance bands, in addition to helping you tone your arms, will also help improve your balance and coordination–something that will make performing all exercises easier. You can maximize your arm toning exercises with resistance bands by targeting smaller muscles that don’t often get a complete workout with weights. You can also target specific muscle groups by creating resistance in every possible direction.
Resistance bands are handy because you can never have to skip arm toning exercises with them.

Arm Toning Tool #4 – BARBELLS

If you’re looking for a more balanced arm toning exercise, consider using a barbell. With its long solid rods, barbells help tone your body by targeting specific muscles that assist with arm movements and flexibility. Barbells are the go-to arm toning exercise equipment for weightlifters, powerlifters, or people like you just looking for more defined guns!
If you’re having a difficult time deciding which piece of equipment will best help you complete your arm toning exercises, consider that the barbells are more effective for working your major muscles–like the all-important bicep and tricep muscles. Barbells allow the weight you’re lifting to be spread more evenly so your strongest muscles are doing the work, but your smaller muscles are working harder to keep your body in balance while you perform arm toning exercises.

Arm Toning Tool #5 – CABLES

For those of you who thought that cable exercises are only for those looking to get super huge, think again. Using the different cable machines available at your local gym is an ideal way to maximize those arm toning exercises. Cables add variety to humdrum workout routines that don’t hold your attention. There are many different varieties of cable exercise machines available, attached to weights or free standing, so ask for a demonstration if you’re unsure.
cable-hammer-curl-rope_arm+toning+exercises[Cables can be used to complete (almost) any arm toning exercises you can complete with weights.]
Cables provide resistance for the muscle group being worked and they allow you to determine the resistance level and/or weight. Arm toning exercises using cables will give you an effective workout without worry about dropping weights and getting injured. Whether you enjoy hammer curls or pull downs, cable exercise machines are great for arm toning exercises.

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