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Apr 10, 2011

The Carbohydrates Weight Loss Diet

No, you didn’t read that wrong, there really is such a thing as a carbohydrates weight loss diet! OK, it’s not that exactly, but by the time you’ve finished reading this article you’ll understand why carbs are such an important part of your weight loss plan.

Out of the three macronutrients, carbohydrates, protein and fat, carbohydrates are often the most confusing. Why? Because on one side, you have people who tell you that carbohydrates are not only unhealthy for you, but they are contributing to your weight gain and should only make up less than 15% of your daily calorie intake. And on the other hand, you have people telling you that carbohydrates are necessary to achieve a healthy and balanced diet and should make up about 50% of your daily calorie intake!

So which is true and which is a myth?

Neither are wrong, but neither are completely right either.
Do you ever feel fat after eating carbohydrates? Like you’re bloated in all the wrong ways, not just full? That’s because you’re eating the wrong type of carbohydrates at the wrong time. If you eat the right type of carbohydrates at the right time, you’ll be able to healthily achieve an energy boost, contributing to a quicker fat loss and muscle growth. The theory that states you absolutely must eat carbohydrates for a healthy and nutritious diet (some of your organs need carbs, like your liver, brain and heart and other muscles) is true, however, trying to lose fat while you’re on a high carb in-take diet is extremely difficult to do.

So, you’re wondering, how do you eat carbs the right way?

There are two types of carbohydrates: 1. simple carbs (like white bread and sugar) and 2. complex carbohydrates (like potatoes and high-carb fruits like bananas). What’s the difference between simple and complex carbs? Simple carbohydrates break down into glucose very quickly, while more complex carbs take longer and are more difficult to break down.

So, if you go and eat a huge sandwich, you know, the one with that long French stick, when your energy expenditure is low, your body will have to deal with more glucose than it can burn, and the result is that the excess glucose gets stored as fat in your body. However, if you can balance the right kind of carbohydrates with your activity level, you can easily manage your weight loss and ensure muscle growth.

You don’t have to say goodbye to all carbohydrates once you embark on your weight loss process, and below I’ve compiled a list of steps on how you can easily eat the right carbohydrates at the right time (and lose weight!):

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