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Mar 13, 2011

10 Tips For an Effective Weight Loss Program

1. Focus on healthy, not thin
The most successful weight loss is gradual and long-term. If you focus on choosing foods that are healthy, eat normal portions and start an exercise program, the weight will start to come off and more importantly, stay off! Fad diets may help you lose weight in the short-term, but medical studies show that these diets tend only to show brief weight loss, often followed by increased weight gain
2. Eat Breakfast!
Start the day off right with the most important meal of the day AND lose weight! People that eat a regular breakfast actually tend to eat less throughout the day compared to people that don't eat breakfast. Eating less through the day is a simple way to stop the weight gain and enjoy gradual weight loss.
3. Eat small snacks through the day
Another weight loss tip is to eat smaller snack-sized meals (5 or 6) through out the day than just two or three larger meals. You'll find that you eat less overall because you never get "too hungry" and overeat. Many people also find that they have more energy because they are eating more consistently and avoid fluctuations in their blood sugar.
4. Add more protein
Eating too many calories is the major reason for weight gain and adding a little more protein can help you feel full sooner and eat less calories.
Look for lean forms of protein such as skinless chicken breast, legumes (beans) or lean cuts of red meat.
5. More color on your plate
Green leafy vegetables and fresh fruits can be a great substitution for junk food snacks such as chips and candy bars.
6. Smaller portions
The most successful weight loss is gradual and long-term. If you focus on choosing foods that are healthy, eat normal portions and start an exercise program, the weight will start to come off!
7. Increase calcium
Several studies have shown that women that consume more than 1200 mg of calcium a day from low-fat sources have a lower rate of obesity and greater weight loss possibly by decreasing parathyroid activity.
8. Decrease stress
Make a commitment to decrease the amount of stress in your life. Chronic stress can release unusually high levels of stress hormones such as cortisol that can lead to weight gain.
9. Get more sleep
Lack of sleep even over a 2 week period can significantly impact your attempt to lose weight and even lead to a pre-diabetes condition - so hit the bed early!
10. Keep a food diary
Keeping a food diary can help identify food choices that may delay your weight loss goals. Periodically reviewing the foods that you're eating on a regular basis can help break through any weight-loss plateau.

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