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Feb 6, 2011

Weight Control Coach Feb 2011 Newsletter

                                                                                                                        By Betty Calixte

The old year has come and gone, a new year awaits with a new chance to lose weight but at the same time, a new year can be filled with endless temptations to gain more weight too. The New Year gives us a chance to start fresh, do things right from the start, erase past mistakes and vow that we will do better. Resolutions don’t have to be huge, in fact, it’s those huge resolutions are the very reason so many of them fail. Set a goal, one that you know is realistic, and strives to achieve it. Don’t try solving every problem you have at the same time—life’s never going to be that simple as much as we’d like it to be.
My hope in this article is to give you the guidance you need to be able to stick to your New Year’s resolutions and lose the weight without struggles or going back.
Help! I want to get rid of that extra weight!
An increasingly large percentage of the North American population is overweight or obese. While a lot of people will argue that they are fine with the way they look, being overweight is not just a superficial issue, but it can cause a lot of serious health problems down the road and to many, it can result in a lack of self-confidence, added stress, depression, anxiety and gradual detachment from society.
We live in a hectic world where people have so much to do in so little time, and with everything they have on their minds, it’s no surprise that many forget to look after their bodies. If you’re like most people, you could be spending at least 8 hours at your job and by the time you get home, you still have chores to do; you have to cook and feed the kids, pay the bills, clean and do laundry—and just like that, your New Year’s resolutions of eating healthier, working out more and doing more positive things to your body goes down the drain. But people don’t think of the long-term effects that being overweight will have on them—not until it’s too late, at least. Don’t wait until your health FORCES you to put your life on hold because of an ignored weight problem.
The first mistake people make when making a New Year’s resolution to lose weight is setting their expectations too high, they go about it too radically to maintain. While a lot of people go diet-crazy the first few days, they may even last a week; their plan dies very quickly since it was not planned around every-day life. You can’t drop your life and lose weight, so you’ll have to work your plan around your schedule, weave it into your daily life gradually so that it fits in.
The more patient you are, the more gradually you take your weight-loss process, the more pounds you will be able to lose. The key is in keeping it consistent. People who lose a lot of weight very quickly find themselves putting on the weight just as quickly, so that their bodies balances out again. Fact: your body is going o fight against any drastic changes you make to it, which is why it is important, if not essential, to take your weight loss slowly and work it into your routine. Rather than starving yourself to death or deciding to not eat anything but raw vegetables, cut back on sugary drinks or fast food instead.
It’s always best to set a plan that you can stick with—this is the key to your New Year’s resolution success!
Having trouble setting out a diet plan that you can stick to? Need some help setting your plan up? Looking for an extra pair of ears or some extra support and motivation? I’d love to hear from you! Let me know how your weight loss plan is going, how many pounds you’ve lose to date, how many pounds you’re looking to lose and anything else you want to share with me. Please don’t hesitate to contact me or leave a comment here with your questions or comments and I’ll get back to you as soon as I
                                                                                     By  Betty Calixte   
Setting weight loss goals in the first couple of months of the New Year are like ants in a picnic—everyone does it! The moment someone asks us what our New Year’s resolutions are, the first thing we think of is ‘losing weight’, right? In fact, a better question would be who doesn’t have weight loss down on their New Year’s resolution list? Whether it’s losing some baby fat, getting rid of that belly or slimming down to fit back into your old comfy pair of slim jeans—most of us will have weight loss down as a goal.
If I’m not mistaken, this year is no different from the last 5 years or longer when you also had weight loss on your list. But what makes this year different? Simply, you’re going to look at weight loss differently and approach it in a way that is neither overwhelming nor impossible to stick to.
First thing, you want to make sure that you tell your body that you want to lose weight, you have to convince your body and mind that you will not stop until you have lost that weight—no matter what it takes. That includes saying goodbye to the sugary drinks, late night meals, comfort eating, greasy take-outs, potato chips and other unhealthy snack choices. Adopting eating healthy habits helps send the message to your mind that you are serious about losing weight, as opposed as going to the grocery store and bringing home more unhealthy meals.
That’s not to say all your weight loss problems will vanish the moment you start eating healthier foods, nor will you lose the weight overnight. People are so urgent to lose weight NOW that they find themselves ditching their weight loss plan and no sooner had they done that do they find themselves facing a New Year and a different New Year’s resolution list.
Here are some reasons why you should want to lose that extra weight:
  1. You’re going to feel so much better, so much healthier and so much fitter.
  2. You’re not going to cringe when you look at yourself nude in the mirror. You’re going to look at yourself and you’re going to be happy with your reflection because you’re a healthy, beautiful woman.
  3. All that guilt you feel about being overweight, about comfort eating or indulging in one too many chocolates is going to go away!
Losing weight is not just buying healthier foods, or working out 5 hours a day, it’s a mind frame—you have to be convinced that you want to lose weight, you have to be determined and you have to find a balance so that your efforts don’t go to waste a couple of weeks later. Like the famous Nike ad states, you’ve got to ‘Just do it!’
Having trouble setting out a diet plan that you can stick to? Need some help setting your plan up? Looking for an extra pair of ears or some extra support and motivation? I’d love to hear from you! Let me know how your weight loss plan is going, how many pounds you’ve lose to date, how many pounds you’re looking to lose and anything else you want to share with me. Please don’t hesitate to contact me or leave a comment here with your questions or comments and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can.

  Top New Year’s Weight Loss Resolution Goals!
What’s the single most important thing in our lives? Is it that new flashy car you want to buy, the promotion you’ve been promised any day, or the luxury travel you indulge in every vacation? No, it’s your health. Without your health, you’d more than likely be unable to enjoy any of those things, right? Well here are 5 Weight Loss resolutions that all aim to make you healthier, happier and more productive. Remember, in order for things to work physically, you have to be emotionally, mentally and spiritually dedicated to making it happen.
  1. I want to lose weight and become slimmer.
To accomplish this goal, you want to focus your attention on the task of losing weight. Think of what you will gain by accomplishing this goal. You’re going to be slimmer, you’re going to be healthier and have more energy, you’re going to enjoy life more, you’re going to feel more attractive and...You have a better chance of living longer.
In order to begin on this goal, grab a pen and paper and write down the following:
I am going to lose the weight and become slimmer (specify your ideal size after losing the excess weight)’
You’ll be surprised at how much losing just a few pounds will affect you. You’re going to feel healthier, lighter, and your mood will turn a few shades brighter because you have accomplished something you set your mind to and didn’t give up.
  1. Build Your Body / Muscles
Perhaps you think your weight is OK as it is, but you want to tone up your body. As a result, your body shape will improve and this in turn affects you positively age-wise and rejuvenates the body.
In order to begin on this goal, grab a pen and paper and write down the following:
I am going to do everything I can to shape my body and tighten my muscles, including regular exercise!’
  1. I will exercise regularly.
You can’t expect to lose weight effectively without seeing the means to accomplish it. Today, it’s all about taking smaller steps that will lead you in the direction of becoming a healthier, slimmer and happier individual. The first step is exercising more frequently.
Exercise is great because it not only helps you lose the weight, but it also helps moves the blood around your body, allowing more oxygen to flow and generally keep you in better health. Also, you will have more energy throughout the day and be able to sleep better at night.
In order to begin on this goal, grab a pen and paper and write down the following:
No excuses and no two ways about it, I WILL exercise more!’
  1. Eat healthier.
Did you know that 2 out of 3 people in the North America do not eat well? What are your current eating habits like? To eat well means eating a balance of the right kinds of food.
Eating well will help you to naturally lose weight, improve your overall mood, and increase your energy levels. Yes, by simply eating well you’ll be accomplishing many of your goals.
In order to begin on this goal, grab a pen and paper and write down the following:
No excuses and no two ways about it, I WILL eat more healthily!’
  1. Drink more water!
Shocking as it is, 90% of the world’s population do not drink enough water. This is probably the easiest health resolution on your list and you can start improving it from right NOW!
In order to stay in good health, and lose weight effectively, you need to stay rehydrated. Remember: water isn’t the large soda you drank in front of the TV!
In order to begin on this goal, grab a pen and paper and write down the following:
No excuses and no two ways about it, I WILL drink more water starting from now!’
Having trouble setting out a diet plan that you can stick to? Need some help setting your plan up? Looking for an extra pair of ears or some extra support and motivation? I’d love to hear from you! Let me know how your weight loss plan is going, how many pounds you’ve lose to date, how many pounds you’re looking to lose and anything else you want to share with me. Please don’t hesitate to contact me or leave a comment here with your questions or comments and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can.

Did you know that yoga can be one of the best motivators to help keep you on track to lose the weight you want?
The most common New Year’s resolution is to lose weight and while people may stay motivated for a few days or even a couple of weeks, old habits die hard and slowly but surely they lose motivation and go back to their old eating habits. Weight loss isn’t an easy resolution to keep, but yoga can seriously help you!
Practicing yoga and meditation has proven that it can actually reduce your stress levels, stress that may be causing you to overeat, comfort eat, etc. When you are in a relaxed state of mind, as yoga will make you feel, you can make healthier food choices and be more consciously aware of what you are feeding your body.
That’s not all though because yoga practice can also help you burn fat and build muscle. In fact, did you know that yoga is considered one of the best and fastest methods to burn fat?! Even the simplest yoga postures are able to stimulate and massage muscles in your body and help you improve your digestive system, kidney and liver health, blood circulation among other benefits, all of which work together to help purify your system and burn all that unwanted fat.
  • Meditation & Motivation
Meditation is quote commonly used as a means of creating a sense of relaxation and comfort, in addition to focus. Meditation can help motivate a person and build stronger will power. When we meditate, things suddenly become clearer for us, you can pick out your key motivators and work on them. This is a great way to keep your New Year’s resolution, and it’s also a great way to better achieving any goals you set in life whether a weight loss goal, a career goal or a romance goal—meditation can help you relax, focus and build a new sense of confidence in you that will help you better reach your goal!
The success of your New Year’s resolutions is an almost guaranteed thing when you are practicing yoga. An individual’s ability to manifest what he or she wants is a natural part of yoga—and what you want is to lose weight, it only becomes simpler since the practice of yoga already simultaneously tones the physical body while it is creating a clearer and more relaxed state of mind. These factors make sticking to your plan that much easier.
Having trouble setting out a diet plan that you can stick to? Need some help setting your plan up? Looking for an extra pair of ears or some extra support and motivation? I’d love to hear from you! Let me know how your weight loss plan is going, how many pounds you’ve lose to date, how many pounds you’re looking to lose and anything else you want to share with me. Please don’t hesitate to contact me or leave a comment here with your questions or comments and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can.

P.S. A Warm & big, rich "Welcome" to all you new Member of our Family who joined Weight Control Coach On Facebook, Twitter and Blog. If you haven’t join it than join now.

All this fitness tips and training articles published by Weight Control Coach. If you have any questions or comments, please send them to:

Weight Control Coach, Quebec, Canada
Fax: 450-678-1112
© 2011 Weight Control Coach. All Rights Reserved.

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