Nicole Kidman is an Australian actress, fashion model, singer and humanitarian. She was best known in her role in the 1989 thriller Dead Calm. She likewise starred in several movies wherein she got critical acclaim like To Die For (1995), Moulin Rouge! (2001), and Rabbit Hole (2010). In the movie The Hours (2002), she got an Academy Award for Best Actress, a BAFTA Award and a Golden Globe Award. Other movies she did were Days of Thunder (1990), Batman Forever (1995), The Others (2001), Cold Mountain (2003), The Interpreter (2005) and Australia (2008). Although Nicole Kidman’s films, she always kept that lean and well-toned physique. I know you want to know her secrets so keep reading.
Nicole Kidman’s diet also includes avoiding foods that contains artificial sweeteners and other additives since these are not naturally occurring substances. Additionally, these substances can accumulate toxins within the body leading to bad health. As what Nicole stated, “I try to eat well, only organic food. Salads, fish, and sometimes pasta but I am not friend of food with a high fat content.”
For Nicole Kidman’s exercise routine, she usually runs outdoors for about 7 miles during the weekdays, and on weekends, 10 to 12 miles. She also swims daily for 30 minutes preferably in the pool. For her, swimming is the best way to keep her body in great shape.
Additionally, Nicole Kidman’s exercise routine also includes playing tennis for 1 hour two times per week. When she did the movie Australia in 2008, she also learned how to ride a horse. She says, “It was much more difficult to what I thought at first, you need a good muscled back. Nicole also does yoga.
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