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Dec 2, 2013

How to Get a Smaller Waist & Bigger Butt

How to Get a Smaller Waist & Bigger ButtLosing fat will help you achieve a smaller waist and it will reduce the cottage cheese appearance of your buttocks. You don't want to gain fat in your butt to increase its size, but instead you want bigger glute muscles so your butt is rounded and toned. A low-calorie diet in combination with regular aerobic activity and targeted strength-training exercises will help you achieve your goals of a smaller waist and bigger butt.

Step 1

Cut calories from your diet. There are 3,500 calories in 1 lb. of fat, so cutting 500 calories per day from your diet will help you lose approximately 1 lb. per week. Your diet should mainly consist of vegetables, fruits, whole grains, lean meats and low-fat dairy.

Step 2

Increase your amount of daily physical activity. In order to lose weight, you need to engage in at least 150 to 250 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity per week. Moderate-intensity aerobic activity includes brisk walks, jogging and hiking.

Step 3

Perform strength training on all your major muscle groups at least twice per week. Muscle tissue burns more calories than fat tissue, so gaining muscle all over your body will help you burn more calories during physical activity and while resting. There are a variety of total-body strength-training exercises you can perform, including pushups, pullups, squats and lunges.

Step 4

Perform target training exercises on your core, which includes the abdominals, obliques and lower back. Some effective abdominal exercises are crunches, the bicycle and front planks. Side crunches and side bends with dumbbells work your obliques. Barbell deadlifts and back extensions work the muscles of your lower back. These exercises will strengthen your core and you'll see the results once you burn excess fat from your core region.

Step 5

Perform exercises that strengthen your glutes, including squats, lunges and deadlifts, at least two days per week to increase the size of your butt. Perform these exercises with moderate or heavy weight at lower repetitions to increase the intensity of the work out and get the best results. Fewer repetitions with heavier weights increases muscle mass. As you become stronger, gradually increase the amount of weight used for these exercises.

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