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Jan 21, 2013

Make Sex Irresistible... Delicious, Warm, Intense.

How Exactly Does It Work?

HerSolution™ Gel is specifically hand-crafted for YOU, to help your body achieve the kind of responses and physiological changes associated with irresistible sex.

Step 1 - Alleviates Vaginal Dryness

Just like you'd expect, HerSolution™ Gel first alleviates vaginal dryness with its astonishing slippery-wet velvety texture.

Step 2 - Increases Blood Flow To Vaginal & Clitoral Regions

But then, it surpasses those drugstore lubricants by helping your body along, actually increasing blood flow to your vaginal and clitoral regions by dilating the blood vessels.

The effect is just like the rush you feel when you're kissed deeply by someone you truly desire – a deliciously warm, tingly and engorged feeling of readiness. Of wanting. Of needing to have sex!


Step 3 - Intensifies Sensation

The benefits of HerSolution™ Gel continue throughout the lovemaking session, as the warm, wet, wild feelings continue and are intensified through touch. You'll build up and up toward total abandon, with rising feelings of more urgency, more intensity.

Step 4 - Aids in Achieving Full Body Climax

And the ultimate payoff – HerSolution™ Gel helps you climax with more power, more force than ever, achieving a kind of full-body satisfaction that rivals anything you've felt before.

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