Eat right
When you want to put on weight, it does not mean that you binge on fatty food such as chocolates, cakes and junk food. In order to increase weight you need to eat fruits and vegetables that are high in calories and sugar like bananas, melons and chickoos or Sapodilla. Also never skip your breakfast. Eat good amount of carbohydrates such as wheat, whole grains and rice. Increase protein in your diet, as it will help in weight gain. Stay away from junk food; it will increase your weight but in an unhealthy way.Drink right
Water will help you gain weight as it helps in weight loss. However, you need to increase the consumption of fruit juices and other liquids. Include milk in your daily diet. Add protein powders in your milk to speed up the process of weight gain.Sleep right
Try to sleep for 8 hours every night. A strict no to late nights. Sleeping right is important to remain healthy. Try to take a small nap in the afternoon if your schedule permits you.Cook right
When you are on a quest to increase your weight, there is no other guaranteed method that is to cook your own food and enjoy it. Make delicious omelette and add cheese to it. Make sandwiches with peanut butter and jelly and relish them with your friends. However, remember not to load yourself with empty calories, as they will only lead to an unhealthy and un-required weight gain.Exercise right
There are certain exercises that will help you build muscles, which will, in turn, increase your weight. Weight training exercises are ideal for putting on weight. Join a gym or take weight-training lessons from a personal trainer and ensure that you do them everyday.Well, in addition to these tips for teenage girls to put on weight, go for walks, take up dance classes so that these tire you and make you hungry enough to eat well. Whatever you eat, whenever you eat and wherever you eat, ensure that you keep eat healthy. Snack on fruits and dry fruits in between meals. Keep away from junk food and carbonated drinks. Don’t take supplements on your own without consultation. Follow the above tips and you will begin to feel the difference in a short time. All the best!
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