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Jun 5, 2011

Upper Body: Bicep Curl

Muscles Used: Biceps (Mid Upper Arm)
Equipment Needed: WeightsSoup Cans (unopened)
  1. Stand up straight, with knees slightly bent.
  2. Place feet hip distance apart.
  3. Make sure toes are pointing forward.
  4. Keep shoulders even as you complete this exercise.
  5. Hold weights in both hands, palms facing upward, with elbows positioned next to waist and rib cage. Position arms so weights are directly above thighs and elbows are slightly bent (starting position). (see photo A)
  6. Exhale (breathe out) as you slowly and evenly lift both forearms upright to shoulders to a full bicep curl (ending position). (see photo B)
  7. Inhale (breathe in) as you evenly and slowly lower both arms down to starting position. Remember to squeeze your bicep muscles as you lift down, instead of letting gravity do the work.
  8. Repeat exercise for a set of 8.
  1. Do keep your back straight.
  2. Continue to breathe.
  3. Do keep from leaning to one side.
  4. Do move your arms slowly, especially as you lower them down to starting position

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