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Jun 5, 2011

Lower Body: Inner Thigh Lift

Muscles Used: Adductors (Inner Thigh)
Equipment Needed: Mat or towel (optional)

  1. Lie on your left side, flat against the floor.
  2. Rest your head on your left upper arm.
  3. Bend your right (top) leg at the knee and cross over in front of left leg.
  4. Rest your right arm on your right hip.
  5. Keep your left leg straight. Using inner thigh muscle (adductor), lift left leg 6 inches off floor. Keep left toe in flexed position (not a pointed position). (see photo A)
  6. Exhale (breathe out) as you lift your leg.
  7. Using resistance with the inner thigh muscle (not gravity), slowly lower your leg. (seephoto B)
  8. Inhale (breathe in) as you lower your leg.
  9. Repeat exercise for a set of 8.
  10. Repeat entire sequence on your right side, step 1-9 (working right adductor muscle).
Inner Thigh Lift
Inner Thigh Lift
Photo A
Photo B

  • Continue to breathe.
  • Do use a controlled adductor squeeze, without rocking or swinging your leg.
  • Do keep your body straight and your hips aligned (one on top of the other).

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