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Apr 22, 2011

Leg Stretch Exercises To Make Your Leg Muscles More Active!

Leg stretch exercises are very much useful to make your leg muscles active.
Here are some of the leg stretch exercises which will make your leg muscles more active.

Leg stretch:

  • In this exercise, the first step is to sit down on the floor by spreading your legs apart from each other.
  • Now lift your hands and make an effort of touching the palms to your toes. Don’t bend your knees while making your palms to touch the toes.
  • Now make your upper body to bend on one side by making your head to touch on the knee without lifting your knee.Leg stretch exercises
  • Stay in this position for 15 to 20 seconds or as much time as you can. Now, slowly lift your body and come to the original position.
  • After certain gap of 15 to 30 seconds perform the same type of bending on the opposite side without lifting your knees.
  • Stay in that position for 15 to 20 seconds or as much time as you can. Now, slowly lift your body and come to the original position.
  • While performing this exercise you have to make a move from your hips by keeping your spine straight, otherwise total strain will be put on the spine and it can lead to pain in the spine.
  • This leg stretch works great for your legs and spine if you don’t arch your upper spine.
  • Conclusion: Don’t try to perform this leg stretch exercise for more number of times in the starting day itself. If you perform more number of times in the starting day itself, you can suffer from joint pains. By practicing daily, you can increase the number of counts.
Other than the basic leg stretch exercises, some of the body stretch exercises will also make your leg muscles flexible such as cobra exercise and super cobra exercise. In these exercises you will be stretching your legs straight towards the floor. So these are also helpful to make your leg muscles free.

Cobra exercise:

  • To perform this leg stretch exercise, first you must lie flat on the floor.
  • Now face down your palms exactly beneath your shoulder on the floor.
  • Lift your upper body in the form of arch by facing your head upwards.
  • Repeat this exercise for 10 to 15 times, but it should last between 5 to 30 seconds.

Super cobra exercise:

  • In this leg stretch exercise, first you have to bend your arms perpendicular to floor by making your spine arched.
  • Now, slowly bend your hips and make your body to stay in inverted “V” position.
  • While performing this bending you have to tuck your chin against your chest.
  • Return to the first step and perform as many repetitions as you can.
  • Conclusion: Don’t try to perform more repetitions for more number of times in the starting day itself. There are more chances of getting muscle pain if you perform more repetitions of super cobra exercise in the starting day itself.

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