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Jan 16, 2011

Build stronger legs...

Power comes from the hips. They drive you up in a squat and stabilise you in a lunge. The trouble with most exercise machines for the legs, such as the ones for leg curls and leg extensions, is that they work your hamstrings or quadriceps from a fixed position, ignoring the rest of your lower body.

The fix Make greater muscle-building gains, by increasing stability through your hips and strengthening your gluteus medius muscles. After your leg routine, stretch your hip flexors.

If they're tight, your hips can't go through a full range of motion, and your legs can't reach their full potential. After stretching, do two sets of 15 reps of the following exercises on each leg. For the one-legged move, be sure to keep

1. Single-Leg Squat
Balance on your left leg with your knees slightly bent and hands on your hips. Bend your right knee to lower your body while reaching your right hand to your left foot. Push through your heel and squeeze your glutes to return to start.

2. Lateral Tube Walk

Place exercise tubing above your ankles and stand with your knees slightly bent, hands on hips. Pull your belly button in toward your spine and sidestep to your right and to your left.

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