Alicia Key’s diet is basically based on the 5-Factor Diet which is actually a healthy diet. She takes in a lot of salads and tries her best to avoid milk and red meal. Alicia loves her diet since she doesn’t need to starve because her diet contains five meals a day. The plan is said to give your results in just 5 weeks, plus it’s so easy to do and very effective. Furthermore, the plan gives your different recipes you can choose from that only takes five minutes to do specifically meant to fill up the 5 meals you have every day.
Alicia Key’s diet likewise includes a one day break from the regimen that prevents her from cheating and at the same time, keeps her motivated that’s why Alicia loves it, "With Harley's plan, the focus is not on starving yourself but on healthful living so you don't feel like you're missing out on the foods you love. Once you get started, you get addicted to looking, feeling, and living your best," she said.
On the other hand, Alicia Key’s exercise routine is basically guided by the celebrity fitness trainer, Harley Pasternak. Based on the five factor exercise plan, shorter periods spent on doing exercises are recommended specially a 25-minute workout regimen rather than long periods in the gym. Her fitness instructor also advises her to do strength training with dumbbells using one side of the arm or leg. With this, the other side of the body is kept rested while the other side goes stronger. The heart, at the same time, has to keep pumping during the workout session while implies that you will be able to burn a lot of calories in general.
Alicia Key’s exercise regimen also includes jogging or running especially during warm weathers plus swimming and hiking. “I like when it’s warm, if I can just hit a city block or hit a block, it gives me something to really concentrate on. And it’s time alone, so I really like that a lot,” she says. She makes sure to spend 4 or 5 times a week to work out and tries to mix up his exercise routines. She sometimes goes biking, rowing, using fitness machines like the treadmill and other forms of cardio exercises to keep her from being bored.
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